A number of media stories have appeared over the past week covering the use of drones by insurance companies with regards to damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.
These got me thinking about what kind of career opportunities exist at the insurance companies for drone pilots?
A search of 8 primary home and property insurance providers turned up zero jobs linked to the keywords “drone,” “UAS,” or “unmanned aircraft system.” The broader term “pilot” turned up a few positions involved with pilot programs but no results linked to flying a drone or any other type of aircraft.

There are no drone related careers listed on the insurance companies websites, which raises the question how did all these drone pilots mentioned in the media stories get into their current positions?

Links to recent publications:
Travelers Insurance Claim Professionals Use Drones to Help Families in Texas
Insurers Are Set to Use Drones to Assess Harvey’s Property Damage – Wall Street Journal
Insurance Companies Are Preparing Fleets of Drones to Assess the Damage of Harvey – Slate / Future Tense
Commercial drones face unprecedented test in Harvey’s destructive wake – Reuters
Drones used on a large scale to assess Harvey damage – San Antonio Express-News
Drones to figure heavily in Harvey response for insurers – Digital Insurance